Ways that a digital marketing agency can help you

Digital marketing agencies are evolving and are able to offer a lot more services than they once did a few years ago. With the advancement in technology as well as the push for online presence, digital marketing agencies and the services that they offer are becoming more and more valuable.

The procedures and tactics that they use can be applied by an in house team but without a proper understanding and the resources to make it happen, you may find that your efforts are lacklustre. Digital marketing agencies specialise in getting your brand and website out there and recognised through high quality SEO services. Below are some ways that a digital marketing agency can help you.

Website optimisation

A great way that a digital marketing agency can help you is to get your website optimised. Website optimisation can cover a wide variety of topics so here are the basics and what they actually do.

Website speed

Ensuring that the speed of your website is compliant with Google’s standards is very important. Low to mid speed websites are ranked lower than websites with good speeds. This can relate to website errors as well as the more errors you have the slower your website will load.

Website errors

Website errors include fixing URL and other code errors present on your web page. Fixing these will ensure that your webpage isn’t punished for little things that ultimately no one notices. Additionally, removing your website of errors will increase visitor satisfaction in a sense that your website is easy to follow and navigate.

SSL certificate

For small business owners they may not be up to date with digital marketing trends and the changes that Google puts in place. Recently Google has stated that websites without an SSL certificate will be deemed unsafe ultimately hindering their ranking. Digital marketing agencies are equipped to implement these security measures and help your website improve overall.

Content mapping

A content plan is a very important step for your digital marketing efforts and is something that a digital marketing agency can easily help with. Content mapping involves several steps that expand your website’s reach.

Keyword research

A very helpful way that a digital marketing agency can help you is through keyword research. This involves analysing search terms relative to your business and developing a plan to capitalise on those terms. While you can do research like this yourself, digital marketing agencies have access to premium tools other small businesses don’t to help develop a more comprehensive plan.

Content creation

Overall content mapping involves having these search terms and mapping out how a website can include certain keywords or search terms. Once you have a list of keywords that you want to be targeted the next logical step would be to create the content around them. This involves creating or updating content on landing pages. Keywords that aren’t already targeted will need new landing pages to capitalise on the high volume of searches.

Reporting and analysis

A very useful way that a digital marketing agency can help you and other small businesses is the reporting and website analysis that they offer. The experts they have on hand have a strong understanding of website traffic and are able to offer comprehensive reports to tell you where visitors are coming from and how they are interacting with your website.

This is very effective as you will actually get feedback into how your new strategies are progressing and also the highlighting of areas that are underperforming compared to others. Identifying what is going well and what areas need work allows you to have a game plan in place for when areas aren’t performing so well and how to capitalise on areas that are working well.

Without a digital marketing agency working with you on your campaign, you may be left with more questions than answers. That’s why it is important to have an expert in the field you are trying to operate in to maximise results.

Post Author: Lily Allen